Thursday, April 18, 2013


I totally forgot about posting last week. OOPS.
Like in many Latin American countries, Nicaragua also has its own tamale. Introducing the Nacatamal. This thing is bigger and stuffed with more food than your average Mexican tamale. This thing comes with rice, tomatoes, chicken or pork, vinegar, and some other things. Its signature feature is the plantain leaves that cover it.You know this has to be a yummy.

check out this blog for the recipe

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Loco moco

Loco Moco

Aloha people! Time for some Hawaiian cuisine. Loco moco is a traditional meal from Hawaii. There are many variations, but the essential loco moco consists of white rice, topped with a hamburger patty (American influence), a fried egg, and brown gravy. It is a very well-known dish in Hawaii.

The most probable origin of the name is that "loco" is a variation "local" while "moco" was added just because it rhymed. A funny thing is that when translated in spanish "loco moco" it says "crazy booger." Disgusting deliciousness!  Also, enjoy the next two vids. The first one tells you how to do loco moco. The second one is "Man vs Food" which shows Adam taking on the loco moco and other Hawaiian babies.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Spicy fekkas

He he he. Spicy fekkas... hehe. This is how it is pretty much explained: Spicy Fekkas are cracker like treats which take their name from fekkas, a twice-baked Moroccan cookie similar to biscotti.The spicy fekkas aren't baked twice, but they are, as their name suggests, piquant. Harissa, onions, cheese, parsley, pepper and garlic all help pack in the flavor.
Moroccan Spicy Fekkas Recipe
Representin Morocco!

Thursday, March 21, 2013


How about some fish guys?! But, not just any fish, no the Ishkhan fish. Ishkhan is a Sevan trout that lives in Lake Sevan in Armenia. Armenians will either have this fish grilled, served steaming, or baked. But check this out Ishkhan is an endangered species! So if you ever sink your teeth into one of them feel privileged.

From this... to...

THIS... or... even...


Thursday, March 7, 2013


Merci les francais! (Thank the french people!) They have created one of the most delicious breads in this yummy world: the croissant! The croissant is a buttery flaky viennoiserie bread roll named for its well-known crescent shape. However, there are different kinds like La
Parisienne unbaked croissants or croissant dogs which as you can tell by the name is a hybrid between a hot dog and a croissant.File:La parisienne unbaked croissant.jpg   
(La Parisienne unbaked croissants)                               (Croissant dogs)

If you go here, this nice person shows you a "how to" make croissants but with a catch... She uses GIFS! It is very helpful and the croissants come out heavenly.

Thursday, February 28, 2013


Oh yes! This is the big cheese. This very popular and delicious food (MY FAVORITE) is made in Italy. Pizza is made of oven baked bread with tomato sauce and cheese. After that the toppings are of your choice. An interesting fact about pizza is that it was originally eaten by the poor. It is said that King Ferdinand of Italy used to dress up as a poor person to be able to eat pizza. Now that is some love for pizza!

Here is a video of how to twirl a pizza... to the EXTREME.

Thursday, February 21, 2013


This dish is native only to Nicaragua. It is one of my all time favorite plates. The repocheta is fried corn tortilla with melted mozzarella cheese. I personally like flour tortillas with pretty much any kind of meltable (if such word exists) cheese. YES! THESE ARE AMAZING! Screw this I'm going to get one right now.

Thursday, February 14, 2013


Have you ever tried spicy rice cake? Well, that is exactly what Dukbokki is. This Korean dish consists of fish, rice cake, and seasoning. It is actually a dish that is quite popular in Korea and is sold at the street vendors called pojangmacha. You know Asians like their food spicy which means the sauce poured over the Dukbokki has to be done well and with a couple of ingridients. Ingridients include:
  • soy sauce
  • chilli paste
Cheese is optional kids (why wouldn't you want cheese?!)

Go to or you can check this video below

Thursday, February 7, 2013


Churrasco is a traditional dish in Latin America. Argentina, Brazil, Nicaragua, and Chile are some countries with Churrasco but varied slightly depending to which country you go to. Churrasco is grilled meat and is usually joined with a delicious green suce called chimichurri. This is definitely one of the best asadas, or grilled meats in the world.

Thursday, January 24, 2013


This food comes from the Middle East and can consist of a couple of meats. You think it's like a taco but it is not. Of course, it has its typical vegetables like cucumbers and tomatoes. I have personally never tried one but I am definitely going to try one when I get the chance. What I thought was really cool is that Schwarma was featured after the end credits of the the movie "The Avengers." Does this picture not make you want to wish this sizzling baby was the real deal?! Have this in mind whenever you go to Lebanon, Saudi Arabia or some other Middle Eastern countries.